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  • Favorite Dennis DeYoung Song
    Come Sail Away

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  1. I'm pretty sure the guitar player is Stéphane Dufour, the guitarist from Eric Lapointe's band.
  2. I hope it isn't too jarring for me to respond to such an old post. I believe there is one mistake in those lyrics, and I also noticed two variations in a live performance that was on YouTube. I believe the line is Nos fils pourront-ils vivre De la mémoire de livres Du sang sous nos pieds Our sons, can they live with the memory of pounds of blood beneath our feet? Also, as best I could tell, Eric sang slightly different lyrics live: Impossible d'oublier. Pourrons-nous se pardonner ? and: Comment pourront nos yeux, aveuglé par la honte, With those changes, here is my best attempt at transcribing the French lyrics and translating them into English: French: Impossible d'oublier. Pourrons-nous se pardonner ? Nos fils pourront-ils vivre à la mémoire des livres du sang sous nos pieds ? Après les hécatombes, le cœur comme une bombe Au milieu des décombres, qui voudra venir au monde ? Priez debout, plus jamais à genoux Y a sûrement un homme assez fou Pour tuer les dieux qui nous déchirent depuis la nuit des temps Comment pourront nos yeux, aveuglés par la honte, trouver de la lumière, Pendant que la nuit tombe sur la fin d'un monde ? Priez mes frères, condamnez la guerre Qui brûle aux quatre coins de la Terre Priez pour tous ceux qui veulent venger leurs enfants English: Impossible to forget. Can we be forgiven? Will our sons be able to live with the memory of pounds of blood beneath our feet? After the massacres, the heart like a bomb In the midst of the ruins, who would want to come into the world? Pray standing, never again on your knees There is surely a man crazy enough To kill the gods who have torn us since the beginning of time How can our eyes, blinded by shame, find the light, While the night falls on the end of a world? Pray my brothers, condemn the war Which burns to the four corners of the Earth Pray for all those who want to avenge their children
  3. dconrad


    Greetings to one and all. I just found this site while searching for the lyrics to One Hundred Years from Now. I mainly know Styx from their big radio hits, not necessarily the deep album cuts that most of you probably know backwards and forwards, but I always liked them. I haven't heard Dennis's solo stuff before, but I actually know one other Eric Lapointe song (Attends), so when I found they had worked together, naturally I was intrigued. I'm curious to find out more about Dennis's solo work. After looking around this site a bit I thought I would sign up. Cheers! David Conrad Detroit, MI
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